Saturday, January 26, 2008


Everybody wants to be my friend...How does the rest of that song go? I can't remember. Maybe I'll ask Amy Winehouse's crack smokin' ass. How in the hell do you get caught smoking crack? If I were a crackhead, I would keep that shit on the downlow except with my other crack smoking buddies. Do you really want to end up on you-tube in the cracksmoke showcase, because that's how it's gonna go.
I don't have anything against crack really. It just seems like the barrel scraping bottom, kind of nasty, like shooting crank. I met these kids once many years ago who used to shoot crank, and man were they some off the wall fuckin' freaks. They were some country boys from down South who were just bored and that's how it ended up. A lesson to all you parents out there, activities for kids might just save them from a lifelong habit of junking up their veins with the nastiest drug on the planet.
Actually, I heard about this drug a couple of years ago called cat, not ketamine mind you, that's K. It was some wierd designer drug that this dude from a drug company cooked up and tested on himself somehow. Apparently the stuff was off the charts addictive, and the guy and his friends just totally lost their shit. Some of them ended up dead overdosed, others in jail, and the lucky ones just ended up in rehab climbing the walls. They had some before and after pictures of the main guy who invented the shit. Wow, he went from nerd-o chemist to major league cracked out junkie in just two or three months. It was some scary shit. I may on occasion abuse various substances, but I know enough to stay away from that designer shit. Well, most of the time.
One time, this girl who was dating a friend of mine had a bottle of this clear liquid. Somehow I ended up with the shit and a couple of us just went at it taking swigs of the stuff until her boyfriend saw us and freaked. Apparently she had been selling the stuff and would measure it out in milliliters with a little mouth syringe, and we were just drinking the stuff like it was water. Let me tell you that was an intense next few days.

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