Sunday, January 27, 2008

Swing shift Leonard

Swing shift leonard and the omega fatty acids was the 'it' band of 1986 with their sizzling single, I want to make a danceparty in yr pants.
I don't remember writing that at all.
Swing shift leonard was a wannabe pimp who pulled for a place called Ernestine & Hazel's around the turn of the century. He is so named because of his constant attempts to turn out waitresses working the afternoon or early morning shifts. Apparently he would haunt coffee shops and seedy restuarants flashing money on the scene, and generally acting like, well, a pimp. We know all of this because he turned out bluesman C.C. Turner's girl, who went to work for the aforementioned E&H. Turner went nuts over the whole thing and stormed the place; shooting Leonard, the barman, and several of the other girls before stabbing his woman estelle and the man she was with some 57 times. Then he turned the gun on himself.
Somehow I think there's a lesson in all that.

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